Subject-verb agreement plays a critical role in English grammar. It means that the verb used in a sentence should agree with the subject in number and person. This agreement is essential to maintain a grammatically correct sentence.

For students in class 9, understanding subject-verb agreement is crucial for effective communication. This article will provide you with comprehensive notes on subject-verb agreement, including its rules, examples, and exceptions.

Basic Rules of Subject-Verb Agreement

1. Singular subjects take singular verbs, and plural subjects take plural verbs.


Singular: The boy runs in the park.

Plural: The boys run in the park.

2. Each, every, either, and neither always take singular verbs.


Each student is responsible for completing their homework.

3. Collective nouns can be singular or plural, depending on the context.


Singular: The team is playing well.

Plural: The team members are playing well.

4. Compound subjects joined by `and` take plural verbs.


The cat and the dog run in the garden.

5. Compound subjects joined by `or` and `nor` take a verb that agrees with the subject closest to the verb.


Neither the cat nor the dog is allowed in the bedroom.

Subject-Verb Agreement Exceptions

1. When using the word `there`, the verb agrees with the subject that comes after the verb.


There are two boys in the park.

2. In sentences that begin with `here` or `there`, the subject comes after the verb.


Here is your coffee.

3. When using words such as `with`, `together with`, `along with`, the verb agrees with the subject closest to the verb.


The teacher, along with the students, is attending the seminar.

4. When using indefinite pronouns such as `each`, `every`, `either`, `neither`, `none`, and `some`, the choice of a singular or plural verb depends on the noun to which the pronoun refers.


Some of the apples are rotten.


Subject-verb agreement is a fundamental concept of English grammar, and it`s essential for effective communication. By following the rules and exceptions outlined in these notes, you will be able to write sentences that are grammatically correct and convey your intended meaning clearly. Remember, always double-check your writing to ensure that your subjects and verbs are in agreement.