PāyZero® Weekly Contribution Calculator

Please enter your total monthly expenses for your household.  Include streaming services, insurance, internet, rent, mortgage, travel. utilities, vehicle gasoline, dinner out, lunch out, the gardener, your mother-in-law, adult children, clothes shopping. etc.  Include as much as your reality calls for.

LaRiba Outreach, a non-Profit Organization is here to help contribute to your cost of living for the next 5 years. The first 3 years, simply allow PayZero® Inc. to pay of your monthly household expenses and lifestyle, and LaRiba will contribute to your cause all the way to 50% of your monthly expenses. (See last column). LaRiba will then continue to contribute for 2 additional years for a total of 5.

The goal is to give you a fair chance at Financial Freedom. If you invest the difference coming from LaRiba into a viable trading platform at (4%/mo. Return), you could establish 50% Financial Freedom in 36 months. By the end of the 5th year, you could find yourself 100% Financially Free.

Expense Calculator

Month Your Monthly Expenses Contribution from You Contribution from LaRiba Outreach Invest the Difference at 4%/Month